Monday, October 26, 2009

Waiting Child

The decision to adopt was easy, the idea of adoption seems so stressful. I have been looking into waiting children programs such as the one at and I've been praying and thinking a lot about boys!! I know when my husband and I first started talking about adoption the thought of a girl was easy because we have girls and the transition we thought would be easier on all of us. However, Brian made the comment the other day of "this might be our chance for a boy!" At first I thought he was crazy but the more I think about it and the more I talk with people the idea of a son warms my heart! A son, my son, Our son, a brother, a grandson, Our Child. The more I think about it the more it feels so right!

We are a house dominated by girls but they are not all girly! I know that Zoe, Olivia and Amelya would all be great big sisters! Not one of them can stay on the ground if there is something to climb on. Making forts is a specialty and a requirement in this household. Super heros' we have plenty. Brian grew up with a brother and I think the girls would benefit from a brother!

I have been the one with a little more time to look at the Waiting Child listings and I've been drawn to a sibling group that is listed. Two little boys 4/28/05 & 8/16/06 those are their ages. That would put them just a year older than Amelya and a few months older. Not to bad she'd still be our baby but she'd also have older brothers to keep her in line!! The only part about seeing their profile is knowing that even if we apply we may be rejected not because we are not a good family or could give them the love and are they need but because we don't have our home study completed yet. That is not a reason not to fill out the application and pray that we are approved but a family that is interested and has that home study done has a better chance then we do. It's frustrating, it's such a long and expensive process and I'd hate to be approved only to know that money is the only thing stopping us from being with our child or children.

We are hoping to raise 30,000 dollars although we know it maybe more than that but hope it isn't. Our hope is to raise what we need for our adoption and then anything above and beyond what we raise will be donated to help another family like ours bring their child home. I know money should not be an issue and I know God will provide but it's truly hard to see past the now. Please continue to pray for our process, I will continue to update as much as I can. I'm sure you'll find a lot of these posts will be emotional rambles, it's going to be a way for me to relax and let some of the stress of the process go and a way to think tihngs over.


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